Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Obama Fever....

As the presidential elections get closer and closer, 26 days to be exact. There's a hot new trend among Street Wear Clothing Companies, Barack Obama shirts. Obama's mugshot can be seen everywhere from bumper stickers, coffee mugs, toys and even lingerie. Obama shirts are grossing in sales among Street Wear Clothing Companies, it seems to be the new way to campaign. John Mc Cain and Sarah Palin seem to be getting no love, I've only seen negative shirts for them. If you really want an Obama shirt you can get yours on the corner of Crenshaw and Slauson. Keep in mind that the last day to register to vote is October 20th, 2008, don't let time pass you by...

I wish Bill Clinton could run for president again, I would love to see the shirts...


Anonymous said...

I liked the 3rd poster because it is creative.

Jennifer Oh said...

I know... I'd like to see caricatures of Bill Clinton on a shirt too

glam417 said...

I like the 3rd one as well. The "LOVE" spelled backwards really caught my attention.

Todd Tostado said...

Excellent design examples. Even at a glance they are all easy to read/understand.

Scarlet Juliette said...

Thanks for posting these shirts. Yeah so far Barack is rocking the vote you know. I mean its time for change and did you see the Obama doll that sings too. I seen this doll at a spencer's in the mall. Regardless the shirts are pretty funny and of course political.

Anonymous said...

It's all about sales. Most people buying t-shirts are young and most young people are more likely to be obama supporters. Not that I'm complaining though, if it helps, more power.

Mujer Sin Cabeza said...

I personally like the first one. It's witty. The rest are some what predictable. I'm sure more McCain/Palin shirts are popular among Republican State, and California being more of a liberal state you may not see them. It's clear who most urbanite support. I would actually see my more RON PAUL or RALPH NADER shirts, two candidates under the radar that I'd vote for. Just a thought.

Christian Campos said...

Man, its amazing to see all this great work coming street artists. The way the campaign is going right now for Obama, there's no doubt in my mind that these shirts are grossing millions in sales. That should be a wake up call for anyone who's reading this. A simple design can go a long, long, long, long ass way! Although the designs are great, they are fairly simple and easy to produce. Its no question that whoever designed (or is selling) these shirts is pocketing some major feds (cash) right now. Being that Obama is a public figure, anyone can use his face for profit. Reminds me of Arnold's attempt to sue a major clothing company for using his name. Remember that one, Byron?

Jennifer said...

It's so funny when i skimming through the images i was like why are they all campaigns and one back to the future. Then i read it again i was like ohh i get it. That was very clever.