Since, I talked about some of my favorite Horror movies and posters, it's only right to discuss about upcoming movie posters...
When I'm not listening to music, eating, hanging out w/ friends or tap dancing, I'm probably watching a movie. I hate it when I buy bootlegs DVD's, because they don't show upcoming attractions. Watching upcoming attractions is one of the reasons I like going to the movie theaters. One thing I hate about going to the movie theaters is looking at those cheesy trivia questions they advertise before a upcoming attractions.
Movie ad's are an important element in the Motion Picture Industry, they spends an average of $15 million to promote each movie. I really like the way movie posters are designed: Image, Tag-line and Title (Sometimes Actors names). It's interesting to see how they advertise and create hype about a film by using these 3 elements, without revealing too much information about the movie.
These are some Teaser Posters for upcoming films in 2009....
For the Horror fans: Friday the Thirteen and The Uninvited
For the Comic fans-Xmen Origins: Wolverine and GI-Joe:Rise of Cobra
For the Munchkins: Dragon Ball, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinasours and Where the wild things are (Remember this Book, I do)
Some other films, I'm looking forward to in the year 2010 are Alice in Wonderland, Iron Man 2, Thor, The Smurfs, Voltron, Gears of War, Bob Marley: Movie and the Unauthorized Bio of Jimmy Moss.
Collage is the most popular technique for Hollywood movies posters today...
I am looking forward to see a new technique for designing a movies poster such as; new material !!!
Thanks for the update on the movie listings. I love seeing the movie previews at the theater. That's so fun.
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