Friday, February 20, 2009

The Future in Car Display Panels...

2010 Ford Fusion and Mercury Milan hybrids, will include an Eco-friendly/smart efficient instrument display panel (pause). As usual, you will be able to see the speedometer in the middle, but on either side, there will be video screens displaying several Eco-friendly animations, to clearly show you charts and graphs on how your cars is destroying the planet.

The system lets you decide how much information you want to see. It can display such data as battery charge status, engine output power, and amount of power applied to the wheel. If you become overwhelmed by the information, you change the display settings to show you basic info such as how many miles until your tank is empty.

Hopefully, this can help spread more Global Warming awareness to commuters around the world. The display panel reminds of Windows Media play skin.

1 comment:

eightiesguru/musicguru said...

Joel said...

Great video. It was startling to have seen such a graph displaying such meaningful information. It is true and it is a fact that can't be ignored that America's obsession with cars continues to harm our planet. These graphs remind us of the importance of communicating such meaningful information. This graph can be compared to the map that Jimmy in our Art 468 class showed us of the continued recession. Graphic Design can be a device to communicate such information. The purpose of design is to continue to inspire and communicate. Great video and great graph.