Monday, June 2, 2008

Hidden Logo's

I was at my friends house on Tuesday talking about politics, music and more music. He happens to work at FedEx, out of curiosity I asked him, “Have you ever noticed the hidden arrow in the FedEx Logo.” He automatically said “NO”. I told him to look closely between the letter E and x. Yesterday, I got a phone call and he told me that it took him a while to find it. He asked several managers and co-workers if they knew about the hidden arrow in the logo, most of them were unaware of the hidden arrow.

I was amazed that my friend and his co-workers were unaware of the hidden arrow. I don’t blame them either, when I worked at FedEx I found the arrow after working there for several months. I never viewed the FedEx logo the same. It supposed to symbolize speed and precision.
There’s a similar logo to FedEx, it’s a logo created for a puzzle game called Cluenatic. The logo has the letters C,L,U and E they’re arranged as a maze. Can you find the letters? Can you see a key? If you see the logo from a distance it looks like a key.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

That's crazy. After all the times I have seen the Fedex logo I have never noticed the arrow either. I guess it does kind of make you look at it in a different way. It make the logo more interesting.