Sunday, April 20, 2008

VIDEO of The WEEK: 80 of 500 handdrawn posters

This is an inspiring video from a Netherlands graphic designer named Job Wouters a.k.a "LETMAN." I really like the different elements of typography that he used, his style is a cross between graphic design, graffiti, and calligraphy. Keep in mind that all of the posters are hand rendered by the same artist.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Can we forget "Sarah Marshall" ?

About a month ago, I was walking down Melrose with my girlfriend and I saw an all white billboard sign with black letters that read "You suck Sarah Marshall." I laughed, I seriously thought it was a guy getting revenge at a girl and what a better way than to display his feelings in a public billboard.

After a couple of days I started to see the same billboard sign with different choice of words plastered in every bus and billboard around Los Angeles. A couple of my friends also wondered who was this mysterious person "Sarah Marshall". After watching the movie "Drillbit Taylor" I found out those billboard ads are for an upcoming film called "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" that is going to come out this Friday the 18th.

In my opinion it's a brilliant graphic design campaign. I always thought, a good movie ad consisted of a well designed poster, but it's not the case with this film. It's a simple design, that definitely caught my attention, even though the movie ad is damm near ugly. It's going to be hard to forget "Sarah Marshall" with these funny marketing strategies.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Digital Democrat

Shepard Fairey

"Kofie One"

Political posters have been around since the First and Second World Wars. Usually these Political posters were posted on the walls in order to communicate their message to the public. Since the rise of Modern day Technology, political posters and Presidential Campaigns have enhanced and changed forever.

Several clothing companies, graphic designers and graffiti artists have been contributing to the recent Presidential election campaigns, primarily Democratic candidate Barack Obama. It has been part of an ongoing series of artist collaborations.

The fist well known contemporary artist to create an Obama poster was Shepard Fairey of the “Andre the Giant” infamous street art campaign and Obey (clothing company) fame. He contributed support to Barrack Obama’s campaign by releasing limited edition Obama Posters, which quickly sold out. With the success of the posters Shepard Fairey will release several T shirts, posters and stickers in support of Barack Obama.

Another artist that has endorsed their artistic and graphic design skills into the election process is Matt Revelli, the founder and creative director of Upper Playground. He created poster’s for Barrack Obama and collaborated with Shepard Farey’s Obama poster.

Internationally known and locally respected graffiti artist “Kofie One” from UTI and WCA a Los Angeles street based graffiti crew has created a mural in Barack Obama’s Los Angeles headquarters in Mid Wilshire. The piece is perfectly structured, it embodies the Democratic candidate and the California state outline with bright colors.

Even though you may or may not like Barack Obama political take, it’s interesting to see political support from different artistic forms. It would be great to see more artist collaborations in the future. Hopefully, it won’t stop with just the current Presidential election campaigns.